
Edison’s small size is part of what enables us to focus on each student as an individual. With approximately 300 students each year and a typical class size of twelve, our faculty of education experts is able to develop a deep and caring relationship with every child that comes through our doors. In order to maintain our community as positive, learning-centered and supportive, it is vital that we screen each applicant family carefully.

Due to the academic nature of the school and increased homework load, testing is used for admission for all students entering Kindergarten through Grade 12. Interviews with the parents and at least one school visit for the student are required as part of our admissions process and help ensure that we can provide the correct environment to meet each child’s needs.

A rolling admissions policy is in place; registrations are accepted on a continual basis as space becomes available. As part of our admissions policy, we do not offer wait listing for any grade at Edison School. If you wish to apply for admission for the 2024/2025 academic year, please complete a registration form and include a cheque for 10% of your total tuition and transportation fees. This cheque will not be deposited until student acceptance is confirmed and is non-refundable following acceptance and registration.

Apply Now

To apply now, complete and return the registration form. Prospective families are strongly urged to visit Edison. To make arrangements for a campus tour or interview, contact Beth Chernoff at 403-938-7670 extension 200 or

Download our 2024 Registration Form:


Tuition Schedule 2024 – 2025

  • Tuition for Kindergarten $9,500.00 / year / five full days per week
  • Tuition for Grades 1 to 8 $11,000.00 / year
  • Tuition for Grades 9 to 12 (students required to provide their own laptop) $12,000.00 / year

For siblings simultaneously enrolled in Grades 1 to 12:

  •     Tuition for second child $1,500.00 reduction
  •     Tuition for third child $3,000.00 reduction

Payment Plan Options

Plan One: Tuition paid as follows: One-tenth of tuition paid at registration, one-tenth of tuition paid by June 15, 2024, eight-tenths of tuition paid by August 15, 2024.

Plan Two: Tuition paid as follows: One-tenth of tuition paid at registration, one-tenth of tuition paid by June 15, 2024, one-half of tuition paid by August 15, 2024, and three-tenths of tuition paid by January 15, 2025.

Plan Three: Tuition paid as follows: One-tenth of tuition paid at registration, one-tenth of tuition paid by June 15, 2024. The remaining tuition is then increased by 5%. The new tuition amount is paid in eight monthly installments starting on August 15, 2024, and ending on March 15, 2025. If this plan is chosen, post-dated cheques must by submitted by August 15, 2024. The 5% charged will be booked as a processing fee.

If a child is withdrawn from Edison School for any reason, the registration tuition and the June tuition will be non-refundable. All other fees are non-refundable except in the case of pre-paid tuition where a full thirty days' notice is given.

Please use the tuition payment calculator (linked below) to calculate your payment amounts and dates; cheques are to include both tuition fees and bussing fees in one payment.

Other Expenses to be met by parents

  • Uniform
  • Occasional field trips
  • School supplies
  • Transportation to and from school (if on our Calgary/Heritage Pointe bus route: $2,500.00/year/one, $3,000.00/year/family); (if on our Okotoks bus route, which is cancelled approximately fifteen runs per year: $1,500.00/year/one, $2,000.00/year/family). Transportation fees are to be paid with tuition.